Posts tagged breakouts
Skin in Crisis? Try These Emergency Tips and Tricks

Aside from attempting to hide under a cute hat, what do you do in a skin crisis? As we all know, these times of crisis always pop up (literally) at the most inconvenient times. Hello first date, interview, a highly photographed day, etc. I have a full on emergency mode I go into during these times. Below are the must-know actions you need to add to your arsenal.

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My Skin Type

Skincare will be one of my favorite topics of discussion here on Create Genuine. You can look forward to posts on mannny skincare posts on: my skincare philosophy/approach, guides featuring various routines, dos and don’ts (very key), tips and tricks, all about acne and my previous (and sometimes ongoing) struggles with my skin, the link between wellness and skin, and SO much more.

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