Link Between Nutrition and Skin

Link Between Wellness and Skin

I was in denial for quite some time (hi, years) that my breakouts could be connected to my diet.

Kelly Leveque, wellness expert, has changed the game for me in her overall approach and philosophy to nutrition sparked by her book Body Love. The book is a wealth of knowledge in general, but a chapter that caught my skincare-loving-attention in particular was the section on nutrition and acne. She explains how the foods we fuel our bodies with impact our systems (hormones, digestion, organ functions, gut health, etc.) and therefore what we see reflected on the outside (eczema, acne, etc.). Through the years in my struggle with acne, I have heard conflicting advice from many dermatologists and general practitioners on whether or not diet has an impact on acne (confusing!).

Since reading Kelly’s book, I have built a larger understanding of what nutritionally dense foods look like (healthy fats, fiber, greens, protein) and have become motivated and curious to define what “wellness” means for me. Testing out this healthier approach to nutrition for myself, I have definitely experienced a connection between what I eat, how I care for myself (getting enough hydration, sleep, exercise—the basics) and how it’s reflected in my skin. But aside from skin, most importantly, you are caring for yourself, fueling your body with great nutrients and disease fighting power! Body Love sums it up perfectly.

I highly recommend you go listen to some of the many podcasts she’s been featured on. She breaks it down so simply.

These two interviews from The Skinny Confidential are my favorite:

Part 1 | Part 2


So what is her approach to body love? Kelly says it’s all about having the “Fab Four” on your plate or in your smoothie at every meal.

  1. Healthy Fat

  2. Fiber

  3. Greens

  4. Protein

Honestly, this method completely takes any sense of “diet” out of the equation. I wanted something easy, that felt good and nourishing for my body, and was tasty! I have seen my bloat completely decrease and my energy skyrocket. When you listen to her podcasts, you’ll be able to understand soo quickly - she makes it easy.

Especially the delicious morning Fab Four smoothie..could be the best part. You can even have one for dessert!

Matt and I use the recipes from her book all the time. They are a quick and easy way to get your Fab Four in. Here is a link to a ton of her delicious recipes:

These are some of our favorites below:

Buffalo Chili

Tuscan Kale and White Bean Soup

Chicken Fab Pho

Lemon-Dill Roasted Salmon over Arugula and Mâche

Peanut Carrot Salad with Spicy Shrimp

Chia Flax Chicken Fingers

Check out those podcast episodes and follow her on instagram (she posts amazing and helpful insights and tips on her stories) @bewellbykelly.

What have you noticed about the link between nutrition/wellness and your skin?
